Get Up and Do It

Not sure who needs to hear/read this: About 2 months ago as I was walking home I saw a hornets nest in a tree in my neighborhood. At first I thought it was decor from Kohl's or Home Goods. As I got closer I saw hornets flying in and out of it. No one was home, so I went home wrote a letter and put it in their mailbox. About 3-4 days later is was gone. The nest was beautiful (the picture does no justice). I couldn't understand how these little things could build something so big. No school or college, they did have the skill. Furthermore they did not ask permission to build the nest in the home owner's tree. WHAT I LEARNED: You do not need permission, validation, a seat at "the table," likeness, acceptance or representation to do anything. No degree or diploma is needed. The nest was needed, they had the skills to build it, so they did. Harriet Tubman had the faith to build the underground railroad to free herself and others. No school, no college, no permission, ...