Casey Samuel Bell Interview

Casey Samuel Bell Interview 

What kind of child would you say you were like? The same as I am now. I was curious and questioned everything. The only difference now is I research everything I question. It's amazing how much you don't know how ignorant you are until you read and research.

Do you remember the first book you read? I did not read much as a child. The first book I read that I enjoyed was for a college course, which I do not remember the title. From starting in 2007 most of the books I read were self-help books (finances, investing, marketing, publishing, etc.). Starting in 2014/2015ish I joined a book club so I could be introduced to an array of books. The first book that made me realize reading was indeed fun was "And Then There Were None," by Agatha Christie.

As a teenager, what were you obsessed with? Music, Theater, and Dance.

Which of your childhood dreams was the first to die? I don't know if any of them died. I am still alive so I might end up being everything I wanted to be. However, the one thing I wanted to be that I do not have much passion for anymore is being a chef.



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