Lucy Turns Pages


Author Interview: Casey Bell

1. Please introduce yourself (who are you, what genre/s do you write in, what books do you have out)

My name is Casey Bell. I am a published author of different mediums and genres. My Teen/Young Adult books are "The Diary of Stephanie," "4Score," and "The House on Atticus Lane," which is also a horror fiction. My fictional books are, "The Family of Strangers," "Essays of Dysfunctional Families: Literary Betrayal," “The Wishing Bottle”, “Crystal Fountain,” and “Buried Lies, Surface.” My non-fiction books are, “Moving 4Ward,” my memoir, “To College or Not College,” “Men Are Dogs: A Book for Single Ladies,” and “4 Keys to Success.” I also have compilation books, “Poetry from the Other Side,” “Art by Casey Bell,” and “Casey’s Song Book.” Lastly, my children’s books include: “You Are Beautiful,” “How to Love Your Bully,” “The Day the Rainbow Broke Up,” and “American History Series.”

2. What are your favourite books

 I enjoy reading Agatha Christie.

3. When did you know you wanted to be an author?

Technically, I never wanted or intended to be an author. I wasn’t the best Reading, Writing, and English student. In 2003 I was watching a film on television and it inspired me to write my first book. I did nothing with it because I thought for sure no publishing company would even consider reading it. In 2006 I went to a self-publishing workshop at my church and that is how I started publishing books.

4. What is your favourite part of the writing process? What is your least favourite and how do you get through it?

My favorite part of the writing process is knowing I am about to share a journey for an enthused reader. The process of typing and editing is not fun. I simply do it. I usually have to prep talk myself before starting.

5. What is your writing routine?

I do not have much of a routine. I write and some times edit in between. Some times I take notes to make sure I am making sense when I write. Other than that, I generally sit down and type out what is in my head.



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