
Hi Casey! Nice to meet you. Please introduce yourself and share with the audiences how you evolved into becoming a well respected author. Did you know writing was your gift since childhood?

Thank you. I am a writer of books, plays, films, poems and songs. I have been writing since the age of six and never stopped writing. I always wrote for the fun of it and to share insight, stories, and ideas. I did not realize until after college that I was a “writer.” Definitely after doing a play reading of a play I wrote in 2008, after the reaction of the audience, and positive feedback, I knew then I was a “writer.”

You've authored at least 32 pieces of work from children's books to plays. Does life imitate art, or does art imitate life in your professional endeavors? 

Every piece of work has its own story. Most of my books, plays have a piece of me or someone I know. None of my writings are completely based on my life (except my memoir), but there is always some truth to everything I write. I would say that most of everything I write is 20% non-fiction, 30% exaggerated non-fiction, and 50% fiction.

In your book "Cry", you're able to infuse comedy into drama. As an author, how are you able to sensibly strike a balance with integrating comedy in such works without compromising the integrity of the story remaining drama? What advice do you have for new authors trying to merge such two genres into a respectable piece of work like "Cry"?

As weird as it sounds all of my drama pieces start out as comedy. As much as I enjoy silly comedy, I realize in this world the way it is, we need more meaningful entertainment with a lasting message that will cause change. So, once I start a comedy piece, I always ask myself what is the purpose or message of this work. Once I do that the drama just writes itself. I can’t say I have any advice for authors. I believe either you have that gift to do both or you don’t. And if you don’t then stick with your unique gift.



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