Exclusive Interview with Casey Bell


Exclusive Interview with Casey Bell – Artistic Creator

NY Glam: How do you stay up to date with Creating?
I am a mixture of creating relevant art and creating unique art. If I see something on the news or in social media that catches my attention, I will create art in showing my perspective. When it comes to my unique art, I do not have to keep up to date, I do whatever I want. When you create unique art, it does not have to be up to date. Someone somewhere will enjoy it.

NY Glam: What are your goals as an Artistic Creator?
To cause the viewer to rethink. We as humans have a habit of being one-minded and not opening up to other views. Hopefully the art I create will open the eyes of those who are blind to other perspectives. I do not want to force them to understand other perspectives, I just want them to recognize that other perspectives exist.

NY Glam: What does Designing mean to you?
Creating something that is unique to the client/customer.

NY Glam: How would you describe your style?
All over the place. Mostly unique and different. No specific style other then me.



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